Under the Influence of ESPO

A Love Letter For You

Dir. Joey Garfield, 2010, 59 min

Jail bound youth spray paints a love letter to his girl.

Espo Runs The Show

Dir. Joey Garfield, 2005, 25 min

An artist's manager tries to keep his client motivated for his debut solo show at a leading art gallery.


Got That Gary

Dir. Joey Garfield, 2000, 1min

Gary promotes the wares of the Street Market.


Style Wars, The Musical

Dir. Matt Lenski

A preview of the most beautiful musical on off Broadway.

Q&A with ESPO


More to come



Steve Powers aka ESPO was born and raised and Philadelphia, then moved to New York City in 1994. After stints as publisher of On the Go Magazine, author of the book The Art Of Getting Over, and full-time graffiti writer, Powers opened his studio in Janurary of 1998. Since then he has shown at The Institute of Contemporary Art in Philadelphia, The 49th Venice Bienalle, The Luggage Store in San Francisco, and had his first museum solo show at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art in 2007. He founded the Dreamland Artist Club and partnered with Creative Time to commission over 45 artists to paint signs and rides in Coney Island and as a Fulbright Scholar, Powers painted a love story in the streets of Dublin and Belfast. He lives and works in Manhattan.