October 13-15 and October 19-22 At Maysles Cinema

Congo in Harlem is an annual series of films and events at Maysles Documentary Center focused on the history, politics, and culture of the Democratic Republic of Congo. It is the flagship event of CONGO WEEK, a week of activities that commemorates the millions of lives lost in the Congo conflict while celebrating the enormous human and natural potential that exists in the country.

Each year we offer a diverse program that aims to deepen our community's understanding of Congo, but most importantly we want people to have fun! Congo in Harlem is more than just movies and discussions -- it's an opportunity to discover Congo's culture, learn about its history, and engage around its challenges.

Congo in Harlem films

October 6-14 and October 19-21

October 6th – 12th

Congo In Harlem 15:
Colette And Justin

Screenings at DCTV’s Firehouse Cinema
October 6th - 12th

Friday, October 13th

Maysles Documentary Center

Congo In Harlem 15:
Le Damier - Papa National Oyé (The Draughtsmen Clash)

Screening at Maysles Documentary Center
Friday, October 13th at 7PM

Saturday, October 14th

October Congo In Harlem 15 Basandja And The Congo Basin Rainforest.png

Congo In Harlem 15:
Basandja And The Congo Basin Rainforest

Screening at Maysles Documentary Center
Saturday, October 14th at 7PM

Thursday, October 19th

Congo in harlem - Nous, Etudiants

Congo In Harlem 15:
Nous, Étudiants!
(We Students!)

Screening at Maysles Documentary Center
Thursday, October 19th at 7PM

Friday, October 20th

Congo In Harlem 15:
MBAKO Trial,
Anioto Leopard Man:
Myth And Reality

Screening at Maysles Documentary Center
Friday, October 20th at 7PM

Saturday, October 21st

Maysles Documentary Center

Congo In Harlem 15:
Lumumba: Return Of A Hero

Screening at Maysles Documentary Center
Saturday, October 21st at 7PM